Saturday, April 12, 2014

3 Things I Really Want Women to Know

There are 3 things I really want women to know.

1. The way you feel? Other women have felt that way too.
2. The place you’re at? Not an accident.
3. The things you’ve done/thought/said? They do not define you.

Finding out the truth can be such a game-changer. I know it has been for me.

photo credit: andrewrennie via photopin cc

See your life through the lens of Christ’s sacrifice.        He died for you. 
Despite all the messes you’ve made. Regardless of how imperfectly you live this life. 
He wants you with Him for eternity. He wants to make you Holy.

Here’s what worshiping Him looks like:

Loving Him.
Reaching out to Him in the impossible moments.
Recognizing your mistakes and seeking Him.
Acknowledging you can’t do it alone.

Loving others. This includes your husband, your family, the check-out girl who talks too much, and your awkward neighbors. It includes total strangers and people you wish were total strangers.
It means love leads our actions. Loving Him means loving others.

I'm grateful for the moments that are teaching me these things.  And for the privilege of sharing these truths with others this spring!  Thank you for considering me for your women's event!

Contact Angie to speak to your women's group.  She's flexible and excited to bring a message of encouragement to your event!  

Click here to access a printable flyer to share with your group.

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